CFO Articles
Do you know the financial ratios that help you make decisions for your business?
Ratios determine profitability, a company's indebtedness, the effectiveness of management, and operational efficiency.
For the novice: What do we consider Financial Statements?
Financial statements are important to investors because they can provide enormous information about a company's revenue, expenses, profitability, debt load, and the ability to meet its short-term and long-term financial obligations. There are three major financial statements.
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
One of the most fascinating part of the business activities is the cash flows!
The conversations about Cash Flows. What is a Statement of Cash Flows?
The statement of cash flows is the bridge between accrual accounting and cash basis accounting. I don’t think I ever heard anyone defining cash flows statements like that (so I might start a heated debate on this topic), but once you look at what’s going into each line in the cash flows statement you’ll probably agree with me.
What is Your Business’ Legal Organizational Structure?
Sometimes the legal structure could appear complex but if done the right way it will benefit the business itself and its owners.
Check the Pulse of Your Business
Now that your business is up and running, your plan will need to be adjusted regularly to match your actual performance.
Your Business’ Books and Records
“Probably this isn’t as exciting but as important when starting a business, taking the time to set up your recordkeeping system properly, right from the beginning, will save you time and money down the road — and could make the difference between success and failure.”
What type of services do concierge, virtual, fractional CFOs provide?
Normally the client names the needs, and the concierge CFO delivers the solution through a “named” service. The concierge CFOs role is to be a partner and deliver results for the benefit, progress and growth of the organization.
Concierge, Virtual or Fractional CFO? What for? Who needs one?
Large companies and small companies all require concierge, virtual, fractional CFO services, but on a different scale.